With the land frozen under a coat of snow, the dogs sang of the pain of living. It was a song full of sadness -- the same sadness their wild fathers had known, the same fear of the cold and dark. It woke up strong feelings in Buck, and as he sang with them, it took him back to the beginnings of life.
This is the story of Buck, a domestic dog loyal to the ways of man, who is suddenly stolen and sold to work on the Yukon Trail. In his strange and hard new life, Buck's natural instincts slowly wake up to the call of the wild.
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作者: Jack London
新功能介紹- 出版社:東華
新功能介紹 - 出版日期:2011/02/23
- 語言:英文
作者: Jack London
博客來新功能介紹- 出版社:東華
新功能介紹 - 出版日期:2011/02/23
- 語言:英文
With the land frozen under a coat of snow, the dogs sang of the pain of living. It was a song full of sadness -- the same sadness their wild fathers had known, the same fear of the cold and dark. It woke up strong feelings in Buck, and as he sang with them, it took him back to the beginnings of life.
This is the story of Buck, a domestic dog loyal to the ways of man, who is suddenly stolen and sold to work on the Yukon Trail. In his strange and hard new life, Buck's natural instincts slowly wake up to the call of the wild.
Macmillan(Pre-Int)-The Call of the Wild
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